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One of the main forms of user interface.
== Introduction ==
One of the main forms of user interface. You probably used one just now to get here!
There are mechanical thingos. They come in black red blue brown and some other colours I don’t even know?
Keyboards are a staple of any build and are often considered as a secondary peripheral not worth the hard-earned cash. This is not so!
Keyboards sit between you and your computer; like any normal member of this society, you spend a significant amount of time at your keyboard. It only makes sense
to make sure that you are typing on the most efficient, comfortable, and durable piece of equipment you can get your hands on as it will likely outlast any single build you own.
==Lorem Ipsum==
== Mechanical Keyboards ==
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fermentum pretium nisi a sagittis. Nam sit amet odio vitae metus luctus tempus. Vivamus sodales justo vel ex aliquet tincidunt. Sed vestibulum aliquam dui non ullamcorper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget purus euismod, ullamcorper leo sit amet, suscipit ligula. Mauris viverra, ante quis fermentum volutpat, metus metus viverra ligula, sed pharetra sem tortor nec est. Sed dapibus erat sit amet scelerisque congue.
=== Form factor ===
* Full-size: 104 keys. Has everything on it but is often much too large for most people's personal uses.
* TKL: 87 keys. A more reasonable form factor that removes the number pad cluster on the right hand side.
* 60%: 61 keys. Removes the function, arrow, and navigational key clusters. Most suitable for those looking for a more portable board without too many compromises.
* 40%: 47/48 keys. Most of the boards you'll find here are community-made (although the [Vortex Core](http://www.vortexgear.tw/vortex2_2.asp?kind=47&kind2=224&kind3=&kind4=1033) is a notable exception).
<!-- TODO Make separate sections for these -->
Nullam ut suscipit tortor. Sed egestas, justo sed rutrum posuere, elit justo egestas sapien, at ullamcorper dui odio in tellus. Nam nibh urna, consequat mattis sem id, semper accumsan libero. Vivamus sollicitudin, quam ut porttitor tincidunt, nisl nisi mattis metus, eu sollicitudin velit risus euismod ex. Praesent aliquam auctor auctor. Phasellus cursus fringilla accumsan. Mauris sodales nisi sit amet fermentum elementum. Cras non mi gravida, scelerisque eros quis, tristique nibh. Aliquam ut felis sit amet libero ullamcorper consectetur eget non libero. Nunc elit purus, elementum vel nunc sed, aliquam cursus ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras fermentum placerat justo ut lobortis.
=== Resources ===
[/r/mechanicalkeyboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/mechanicalkeyboards), [GeekHack](https://geekhack.org/index.php), and [Deskthority](https://deskthority.net/wiki/Main_Page) are all great
places to get started on these mechanical beasts.
Nulla leo metus, iaculis nec purus ut, commodo rhoncus mi. Cras vel tortor eros. Nam elementum ante magna, ut iaculis eros posuere ultricies. Vivamus vitae orci et nulla malesuada ultricies sed sed lorem. Proin viverra, urna a pulvinar imperdiet, purus eros dictum dolor, dapibus pellentesque dolor turpis nec mi. Fusce molestie sed lacus a efficitur. Suspendisse ac massa eu tortor vehicula mattis dignissim eget elit. Aenean imperdiet ante non nulla aliquet, ut volutpat diam cursus. Aliquam auctor sagittis consequat. Donec auctor, enim ut pulvinar lobortis, lorem risus posuere odio, a vestibulum dui ligula sit amet turpis.
== Other Keyboards ==
>buckling springs
>hall effect
In at purus posuere, congue ante ac, dapibus erat. Nam orci tellus, egestas at finibus vel, dapibus vel velit. Aliquam faucibus augue eget metus egestas, id suscipit dolor posuere. Duis ipsum nulla, semper a interdum in, ultrices at lectus. Nulla sed turpis ornare dolor egestas volutpat. Duis consectetur purus sit amet elit mollis, at vestibulum urna accumsan. Vestibulum arcu lorem, commodo in leo sed, pellentesque placerat risus. Proin feugiat justo quis urna semper, sit amet interdum lacus commodo. Fusce laoreet, nibh quis efficitur vestibulum, diam diam pretium diam, a imperdiet orci ex scelerisque ligula. Donec quis eleifend ex.
In elementum commodo orci non semper. Fusce aliquam ex vitae sodales lacinia. Nam consectetur, magna eu commodo facilisis, velit orci laoreet odio, nec vehicula elit nisi at ipsum. Donec turpis ligula, imperdiet id dui fringilla, porta egestas lectus. Duis maximus erat quis libero congue viverra. Nam rutrum porta turpis nec imperdiet. Quisque commodo, enim a congue scelerisque, velit mauris bibendum enim, at scelerisque erat enim in arcu. Donec pharetra feugiat orci hendrerit eleifend. Cras eget vehicula sem, ut mollis orci. Aliquam pretium urna sit amet leo tincidunt tincidunt. Donec ut egestas dolor. Morbi ullamcorper felis non imperdiet bibendum. Nullam eget dui sapien. Vivamus eu mauris a est lobortis ultricies non nec augue. Integer et erat dignissim, sodales dolor non, imperdiet nisl.

Revision as of 11:39, 27 January 2019


One of the main forms of user interface. You probably used one just now to get here!

Keyboards are a staple of any build and are often considered as a secondary peripheral not worth the hard-earned cash. This is not so! Keyboards sit between you and your computer; like any normal member of this society, you spend a significant amount of time at your keyboard. It only makes sense to make sure that you are typing on the most efficient, comfortable, and durable piece of equipment you can get your hands on as it will likely outlast any single build you own.

Mechanical Keyboards

Form factor

  • Full-size: 104 keys. Has everything on it but is often much too large for most people's personal uses.
  • TKL: 87 keys. A more reasonable form factor that removes the number pad cluster on the right hand side.
  • 60%: 61 keys. Removes the function, arrow, and navigational key clusters. Most suitable for those looking for a more portable board without too many compromises.
  • 40%: 47/48 keys. Most of the boards you'll find here are community-made (although the [Vortex Core](http://www.vortexgear.tw/vortex2_2.asp?kind=47&kind2=224&kind3=&kind4=1033) is a notable exception).


[/r/mechanicalkeyboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/mechanicalkeyboards), [GeekHack](https://geekhack.org/index.php), and [Deskthority](https://deskthority.net/wiki/Main_Page) are all great places to get started on these mechanical beasts.

Other Keyboards

>rubre >buckling springs >hall effect